Griffith Avenue Mile Colouring Competition

Yes, you read it correctly! We're delighted to confirm we are having a Griffith Avenue Mile colouring competition for all those children (or adults!) who have entered the Griffith Avenue Mile, or just those who love Griffith Avenue like we do!

This is a fun opportunity to showcase your artistic skills in a way that's closely connected to your neighbourhood.

To enter:
  • Download the PDF attached and print out on A4 paper.
  • Fill in your name, age and a parents phone number in the space provided. *
  • Colour in to your hearts desire.
  • Bring the completed picture to the Griffith Avenue Mile post race reception in DCU All Hallows on Grace Park Road at 3:30pm on Sunday September 22nd. Place your entries in the tub provided.

We will be awarding prizes for the best entries!

PS: There are some interesting facts about Griffith Avenue on the back. Maybe you might learn a thing or two!

Good luck and enjoy!

* Phone number is required purely for contact reasons as we will be selecting the winner post race.
